Thursday, March 27, 2014

Please Set Me Straight

For the past couple of days I have been pent up with frustration, disgust and anger over the decision that came down on Tuesday in the Justina Pelletier case.  Maybe I am just confused, maybe I am just misinformed or maybe I just don't get it.  So I am asking anyone who reads this and has a differing opinion to set me straight.  Unfortunately for me I have not been able to find anyone to set me straight.  So, I am begging, please set me straight.

For those of you that don't know what I am talking about here is a quick summary from the website  "Justina Pelletier, a 15-year-old from West Hartford, Conn., is in the fight of her life. After being diagnosed and treated for a rare genetic disorder, Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) overruled the diagnosis and said it was “all just in her head.” When Justina’s parents refused to stop her treatment, BCH assumed custody of Justina and locked her up in the psych ward — against her parents’ wishes. Shouldn’t the parents of this young girl have the right to make decisions regarding her welfare?"

For the past 14 months Justina has been sheltered away from her parents only able to see them for an hour a week under the supervision of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the police.  They are not allowed to ask her how she is feeling or how she is doing.  Evidently, Justina is wheel chair bound, legs swollen and her condition that was "in her head" has worsened.

On Tuesday, Judge Joseph Johnston ruled giving permanent custody to DCF in this case.  In reading the ruling I noticed it had nothing to do with what is in the best interest of Justina's treatment but how the Pelletier's hurt the doctors at BCH and DCF officials feeling.  Calling them "Nazi's", swearing at them and threatening to sue.  What has that got do with any of this?  If my children were in this situation the offenses above would be the least of their worries.

These are the facts that I know.  Justina has been diagnosed and treated for mitochondrial disease, which is a very controversial disease and some doctors don't believe it is a valid disease.  This is where the issue starts.  I get if a doctor doesn't believe in a diagnosis, but the actions that are being taken are just far too extreme.   Second, if the Pelletier's are such horrible parents why hasn't the DCF in Connecticut taken any action against them?  Because they refuse to.  They feel there is no basis to get involved.  Lastly, why is DCF fighting so hard on this?  Is it because they have had several misses lately?  Are they trying to flex their muscle? It just doesn't make sense.

I have contacted the Governor’s office, my state rep and Senator Warren to help end this.  I did not contact Senator Markey because I just think he's useless (low blow, sorry).  Needless to say, nobody has contacted me back.  So, I am asking someone on the other side of this argument to set me straight.  Please, don't tell me to get all the facts, I am asking you to present them to me.  I will respect anyone's position on this.  But I need to be set straight.

If you don't take it from me, ask my wife

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Lottery is Not the Problem

The most heinous thing happened the other day and, if true, the man should spend the rest of his life behind bars.  That, however, is the less likely scenario of the situation involving Daniel Snay of Uxbridge.  Snay, a four time convicted Level 3 sex offender was arrested for yet another sex crime against a child.  It was reported that Snay used money that he won on a scratch ticket in 2008 to lure the victim.  So instead of tightening up the incarceration laws in the Commonwealth, Rep. Richard Moore of Uxbridge has proposed a bill that will solve this issue going forward, he wants to ban sex offenders from participating in the Lottery.  That makes almost as much sense as CNN anchor Don Lemon asking if supernatural powers were involved in the missing Malaysian Airlines flight.

Rep. Moore's heart is in the right place, unfortunately as a lawmaker he needs to take the emotion out of it and look at this with a clear head.  The lottery winnings were a contributing factor, not the reason.  If convicted, again, shall the winnings be forfeited? Yes.  But to prevent them from participating?  Not only is that a civil rights violation how you could possibly police that? 

This is where it gets tricky.  If a convicted felon, of any crime is released from prison they have supposedly paid their debt to society and or, are rehabilitated according to parole boards.  If Snay had been released four times by the Commonwealth, the parole board obviously felt he was not a danger to society and would not commit this crime again, or again, or again. Preventing him to purchase a lottery ticket, where the odds are in the millions of him winning, is going to prevent him from committing this act again, or again, or again.

It's staggering to me while watching the news and I hear stories of people getting arrested and I hear it's their "sixth DUI", or it's their "eighth drug charge" or "fourth sexual assault on a child".  There is the problem people.  I am all for rehabilitation, but I am also a proponent of three strikes and you are out, must be the umpire in me.

If we are going to take away the ability of a convicted sex offender to purchase lottery tickets then we need to prevent convicted DUI offender from purchasing cars, convicted arsonists from buying cigarettes or convicted drug dealers from buying aspirin.  If we are going to start banning what they can do on the outside, then why not keep them on the inside.  This is coming from a state that First Degree Murder by a juvenile does not carry an automatic life sentence.

I hope Snay spends the rest of his days in prison, because I know the treatment he will get will be much more appropriate.  But as the lights dim down on this issue the lawmakers should abandon the ban on lottery tickets and focus it more on keeping monsters like Snay behind bars.  The money may have contributed, but he would have continued to do this without the lottery ticket.

If you don't take it from, ask my wife.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Mamma Mia Hit the Mark!

My plan this week was to be preparing for the state title game at the DCU Center on Saturday night.  Well, things happen and we lost in the District Final.  However, my wife had purchased tickets to see "Mamma Mia!" at the Hanover Theater this week.  On Thursday night, the Baseball Widow and I took in the final performance of the three show stop.   I'm not much into musicals but since The Hanover Theater opened we have made it a point to support the local theater and with any hope it will revive the downtown Worcester landscape.

The Baseball Widow really wanted to see this show and made it a point to get tickets.  I had seen it in Las Vegas several years ago, which just goes to show you that gambling and drinking will make you just about anything.  

We arrived about 10 minutes before curtain.  Ironically enough the lady who was sitting next to me introduced herself as "Chelsie Williams, teacher", who just happened to be playing "Sophie", the confused daughter of the main character.  They came down from Windham, Maine to catch Chelsie's performance.  She even told me a story of how her son, who she described looked like a character on "Duck Dynasty" went to see her in St. Louis.

I must say that the show kept me entertained.  I don't know what it is but the band ABBA seems to make everyone reminisce of older times.  I must admit, until Mamma Mia came out I only remembered two ABBA songs, "Dancing Queen" and "Fernando".  Oddly enough, the title track was never on my radar.  As you go through the performance you sense the "They did this song too?"

I thought the acting was good, the orchestra was phenomenal and the singing was mostly on point.  There was one character that was not on key as much as you would expected.  Yet, she was still not worse than Pierce Brosnan in the movie version of the musical.  One point to note that the male lead (Sam, played by Jeff Drushal) reminded me of Jason Sudeikis (Saturday Night Live), I don’t know why.

If you saw the movie and not the theatrical version please refrain from saying that you saw it.  The movie did this show no justice.  Besides the fact that Pierce Brosnan is as good a singer as I am, I feel that movie versions of theater shows are always over directed and miss that range you see in actors.  I would have to say that the only movie depiction that was better than the theatrical version has to be Grease.

But, if you ever get the chance to go see "Mamma Mia!" you must be aware of your surroundings.  For some reason the show really engages the audience and there seems to be dancing, clapping and singing along throughout the whole performance.  There was one woman at the end of our row who thought she was at "Polly Esta's" at every song, including the ballads.  Nothing engages the audience more than the finale.  It is treated somewhat of an encore at a rock concert, where the main characters belt out the two biggest hits, "Dancing Queen" and the title track, as the audience stands up, claps, sings and dances.  If you are one to leave while the actors are taking their bows, then you missed it.

Overall, I would say I enjoyed my night out.  A rare "date night" with the Baseball Widow, supporting a local business and taking a performance of a world renowned show.  If you don't get to see "Mamma Mia!” you should at least get to the Hanover for one of their other shows that come through town.  You will not be upset.

If you don't take it from, ask my wife

Friday, March 7, 2014

Rambling On!

I have not done a rambling in a while, although some of you think I ramble on more than enough.  This week has been a prime opportunity for me to do a "Rambling" because my head would explode trying to figure out which story to write about.

Pregnant Mom Drives Minivan with Children into Atlantic Ocean.  This story gave me chills as I wrote the lead in.  A Daytona mom, who witnesses said was acting odd, drove her minivan, with her children inside, into the Atlantic Ocean.  Thankfully many people nearby sprang into action to stop this and everyone inside the van were saved. The children were put into state custody and local police were still trying to figure out if they had anything to charge the mom with. Hmmm, let me take a crack at it. Child endangerment, attempted murder, reckless driving, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (car or ocean), not staying within the driving lanes.  Maybe they're right, there may not be anything there.

Up skirting is Legal in the Commonwealth  Man! The Baseball Widow was all worked up about this one and deservedly so.  The Massachusetts SJC ruled yesterday that photographing up a woman's skirt (up skirting) is not illegal. The decision states that a woman on the MBTA wearing a skirt, dress, or the like covering these parts of her body is not a person who is 'partially nude.' The lawyer for the accused was quoted as saying "If a clothed person reveals a body part whether it was intentional or unintentional, he or she cannot expect privacy,”.  Well SJC, you just empowered every woman who rides the "T" to lay the smack down on someone who is up skirting.  Then the perverts are now the victims.  Well played.  Luckily our elected leaders passed a a common sense law that our judicial legislators could not uphold.

NJ Teen sues parents for support after running away The fact that this got in front of a judge is mind boggling.  Luckily the judge rejected this plea.  Maybe I am old fashioned, but if I ever disrespected my parents, the way this girl did, I would not have to worry about suing them.  I am in my 40's and I still don't disrespect my parents like this.  What a joke, and the fact that another parent encouraged and bank rolled this case is even more staggering.  I hope your daughter does to you what this girl is doing to her parents.

Licenses for Illegal Immigrants My argument on this one is not solely on Immigration Reform.  Although, that is the underlying issue here.  The fact that we are giving a group that is described as illegal anything is troubling to me.  The true issue I have with this is the selling point of "safety".   If this is truly about safety then why has there been no legislation about the RMV re-instating licenses to multiple drunk driving offenders, or the fact that drivers over 65 mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brake and they don't have to be re-tested. Why is it just this law that they are promoting "safety" on?   Makes you wonder.

Justice for the Pelletier Family This story is sad and it gets sadder by the day.  The fact that Boston Children's Hospital has the power to do that, scares me.  So much for getting 2nd opinions and if you like your Health Care you can keep it.  This story would not have made the news had this girl's condition improved, it got worse.  Not only that, the hospital and DCF are ignoring daily mental exercises that Justina needs because of her short term memory loss.  Where is the investigation on this type of child abuse?

Good Experience I have used this blog to talk about terrible customer experiences (GM, The Children's Place and Rotmans).  I just want to take time to talk about a good experience I had recently with Keurig and Green Mountain Coffee. After 6 and half years and almost 5,000 cups of coffee our Keurig system kicked the bucket. I called Green Mountain to cancel my recurring order, they asked why and I told them that the Keurig died and we weren't thinking of getting a new one. They fixed that problem, they sent us a new Keurig system, no other questions asked.  I wasn't expecting that and I wasn't looking for that.  We were just looking to move on and they persuaded us to stay.

In closing I want to give a shout out to the Holy Name Lady Naps.  Our team has advanced to the District Final this Saturday at 6pm at WPI against a very good Westford Academy team.  I am one of the many proud coaches you have.  

Also don't forget to spring your clocks forward and hit the parade on Sunday.  The Baseball Widow will be participating in the 5K.  I will be there to cheer her on.

If you don't take it from me, ask my wife

Sunday, March 2, 2014

3D's Best Picture Preview

I enjoy watching the Academy Awards every year.  I don't get into the whole "Red Carpet" thing, but I do enjoy watching the ceremony and see the many different films that are nominated. Eight years ago, The Baseball Widow (yes we are close to that time again) and I started a tradition by viewing the films that are nominated for Best Picture and then make our own assessment of who we feel should win the "Oscar".

I must say that eight years ago completing this task was much easier with having no kids and only five movies were nominated.  Add two children and four additional films and we have topped out at seven films over the last 3 years, until this year.  This year we have been able to take in eight of the nine nominated films.  Nine movies is too much and it waters down the award.  I am just glad that the Academy has gone away from the token animated film in the annual field.

Below is my field in order of preference of winning and a brief review:

1. 12 Years A Slave - In a word, Powerful.  This is an amazing story of a man kidnapped into slavery.  I initially thought the movie was slow, but in the end that was what made it so powerful.  The character had no concept of time or location and you feel that in this movie.  Great acting and a great story.  Should win in a walk, but I am not voting.

2. Philomena - I really want this to win.  This movie was great.  As a practicing Catholic I feel guilty for what happened to this women.  Judi Dench was great as always and Steve Coogan was surprisingly good.  I usually don't like British films but this one is a must see.

3. Dallas Buyers Club - Matthew McConaughey's greatest role since "Wooderson" in "Dazed and Confused".  He played a drug addicted, gambling, homophobic, white trash Texan to a T.  The fact that he lost so much weight for this film, that he was skin and bones is a true testament of how much he was in this character.  Jared Leto was so good it that took me about 10 minutes of watching to realize that it was him.

4.  American Hustle - Sorry Worcester, I just couldn't get this movie higher than 4, I even struggled with that.  It was a good movie, don't me wrong, and it is borderline Oscar worthy.  It had a phenomenal cast and some great performances.  That, however, doesn't always translate to an Academy Award.  It slowed downed at one point and you never truly find out the end to the ice fishing story.  It could have been much better.

5. Nebraska - This is my surprise of the field.  I went into this one with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised.  I must say this film is not for everybody and some may think it is not good even one bit.  It was good to see Will Forte play a more serious role other than his Saturday Night Live type cast roles.  Bruce Dern also plays a great absent minded father.

6. Captain Phillips - My ranking is solely based on the theatric version of this story.  I am not going to get into the “is it true/not true” debate.  I wasn't there, so I don't know.  From a film perspective, I thought it was done well.  Good acting and good cinematography.  However, the movie was missing the WOW! factor that I look for in a movie.

7. Gravity - This movie was different.  The best way to describe it was "Castaway in Space".  It was very imaginative and I thought Sandra Bullock was good.  However, this is what happens when the field gets expanded.  I don't think this movie deserves to be nominated and I think the Academy was reaching on this.  I think it would have been better if there was a little more dialogue between Clooney and Bullock.

8. Her (have not seen) - This story doesn't appeal to me and Joaquin Phoenix just bugs me. The Baseball widow protested this movie because it was actually released in January of 2014 and was eligible on some technicality.  The fact that it is not playing anywhere local a month after its release makes me question it. With any luck this may get rated one spot higher.  But it won't be worse than #9

9. The Wolf of Wall Street - I really wanted to like this movie.  How could you not?  I mean, Scorcese, Di Caprio and the get rich story of Wall Street.  I really wanted to like it.  The movie was about forty five minutes to an hour longer than it should have been, it was over the top obnoxious and there wasn't a likeable character in the entire movie.  My suggestion would be to save the money and watch the movie "Boiler Room" twice and call it a day.  A real big disappointment.

That is my take, no wife involved this time.  It was good that seven of the nominated films were depicted on true events.  So, sit down, watch the Oscars, and if you have not caught any of these films, go see any of them, except The Wolf of Wall Street,

Take it from me on this.