Friday, March 23, 2012

3D Ramblings 3/23/12

This has been a long week.  My brackets are busted, I have been trying to figure out my land re-assessment, or lack thereof and now I have a meathead neighbor who thinks he is a tough guy and owns the neighborhood.  And the Occupiers are back, really this is just a spring/summer protest? Yeah, a week in the life of 3D

Massachusetts Political Corruption – Massachusetts just recently received a “C” from the Center for Public Corruption.  It ranked 10th in the country.  I have no idea what goes into coming up with these laws but New Jersey was ranked 1st in the country.   The corruption in this state is so bad that Se. Scott Brown recently joked about House Speaker DiLeo not feeling comfortable being speaker until he hears the words “You have the right to remain silent”

Tim Murray’s new career – I have to admit that I chuckled when I recently saw Tim Murray show up at a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast wearing a NASCAR outfit.  It shows some humility but it doesn’t hide the fact that there is still something missing from this story.  Maybe one day it will come out, but hey we are the 10th least state susceptible to corruption, so I am guessing the truth will not come out.

TSA – Another black eye for airport security.  A video was recently released showing a TSA agent patting down a 3 year old boy…… a wheelchair.  I’m all for heightened security and making our skies safer but one thing I have noticed the many times I have flown and have been “randomly” selected (each time).  There is no common sense with these agents and with as little common sense they do have they do feel they are smarter than you.  Like the lady in San Francisco who held the security line for 10 minutes because she couldn’t identify a wine glass in one of my carry-ons.  Or the agent in Philadelphia who made me go back through the line because she forgot to tell me to take my flip flops off.  Had I not been waiting for the 6 TSA agents to determine what to do with a candle I would have been let loose in the Philly airport.  Common Sense people, that’s all we ask.

Double Your Pleasure – A house in Clinton was hit by a car twice over St. Patrick’s Day weekend by drunk drivers.  Luckily nobody was hurt or displaced.  I guess there really isn’t anything else to do in Clinton.

BU – In “the Social Network” Mark Zuckerberg took a shot at Boston University because he felt they were not intellectually up to par with Harvard.  Well, now he has a new reason to take shots at them.  The recent stories of Hazing and sexual assault by BU students makes people consider what is going on at that school.  Every time I hear a story of binge drinking, hazing or sexual misconduct at a Boston school, it’s always BU.  It’s time the administration take control of their students and rebuild the reputation of that fine institution.

“Mind if we dance with your date” – That will be the common question asked to Mike Stone of Minnesota.  All the girls at his high school either rejecting his request to go to prom or already had dates.  So Stone took to Twitter and asked his favorite porn stars to go to the prom.  He finally got a positive response and is now raising money to pay for the flight for his date.  Mom and Dad must be so proud!  The adult film star, who is 19, said that she wanted to go because she was not able to go to hers.  That’s maybe because she was expelled for sleeping with a teacher, just speculating.

Class Action? – I can’t believe that this happened at a law office.  Employees at a Florida law firm were all fired because they all wore orange shirts to work on pay day.  The management of the firm claimed that the employees were staging some form of protest against the firm.  The employees claimed that they wear orange on pay days because they all go out for drinks and wanted to look like a group.  I guess somewhere in the middle of this is the truth.  I find it hard to believe that a law firm would act so irrationally.  But then again it is Florida and I have seen crazier things.

New Tax – A Baltimore school teacher is under fire because she is accused of shaking kids down for their lunch money.  She also had a swear or “act-up” jar, the students would need to pay a quarter every time they acted up.  Well, I guess that’s one way to make up for budget shortfalls.  You just can’t make this stuff up.

Trayvon Martin – This story disgusts me.  The fact that this man George Zimmerman is not behind bars, or not even in custody is the actual crime.  The police hiding behind a law that is stupid in the first place.  I am not going to come out and say that this shooting was racially motivated, I don’t know enough about it.  But the more I hear about it, the more inclined I am to think it was. If the roles were reversed Martin would  be in jail.  The “Stand your Ground” law should be used at trial and not during the investigation.  Let a jury of Zimmerman’s peers determine if he was acting in self-defense.

Bounty-gate – The NFL came down hard on the New Orleans Saints this week and deservedly so.  Maybe now the public will leave the Patriots alone as this pales in comparison.  The fact that you need to motivate a professional athlete even more by paying him extra on top of his millions of dollars to hurt someone is mind boggling to me.  Just saying.

No Justice? – This one ranks up there with OJ.  The acquittal yesterday of the men accused of murdering 4 people, one was a 2 year old boy in Mattapan 2 years ago just shows how unfair the justice system is.  The families still have no closure, and the man who potentially shot these people were set free and cannot be tried again.  Did the DA’s office move this to trial to quickly?  It remains to be seen.  However, my thoughts are with the families of the deceased.

Coming Right Atcha

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