Friday, February 10, 2012

3D Ramblings 2/10/12

First Rambling in a while and there is so much to talk about. I am still keeping it to 10, I am mixing it up. My experiences with the City of Worcester and this lovely nanny state of Massachusetts would have closer to 100 but why beat a dead horse. Worcester and Massachusetts are designed for the incapables and the residents have resigned to that fact. I digress, so let’s get to the ramblings.

Facebook IPO - The social media website has applied for an IPO to raise $5billion. The list of people to make millions is staggering. Especially the artist who took stock options instead of payment when he painted the first Facebook offices. I bet Erica Albright is wishing she was dating a Stairmaster now, doesn't she.

Beer Pong - A Manhattan judge threw out the lawsuit of a New Jersey man who after playing Beer Pong all night at an NYC bar, thought it was a good idea to walk across a New Jersey Highway and got hit by a car. Four hours after the accident his blood alcohol level was still .26. Good for the judge to throw this case out, now only if the judge was a Darwinist and could sentence on his beliefs, that would be justice.

Spanking - A recent study showed that spanking leads to troubled adulthoods. What happens to adults that were beat down when acting up as kids? If the study is true I want to apologize in advance to anything I do to you. I truly think I am a better man today because when I acted out as a kid my parents did not hesitate to give me a "schiaffo". It taught me right from wrong, I never did it again. Can we please stop making excuses for the vagrants in the world?

Picadilly Pub - This week the Picadilly Pub closed its doors with the hope of re-opening again. I seriously doubt that will happen. I understand the fact that businesses need to close shuttering locations, a heads up would be nice. What happens to the people that work there and had no clue, and the customers that have gift certificates? Sorry!

Komen Flack - Ok, maybe I don't get it. But if a private organization decides it doesn't want to fund something anymore, where do government officials come off bullying them into changing their mind? If the Susan G. Komen didn't want to fund Planned Parenthood anymore, not only are they not obligated too, they don't even have to disclose why. I guess I am disturbed by everyone involved in this scenario. So my suggestion is, if you want to donate to breast cancer research please donate to the Kay Yow CancerFoundation. Susan G, will not be getting anything from this girls basketball coach.

Super PAC reversal - The White House and President Obama reversed course this week and claimed it was in support of Super PAC donations in the upcoming elections. It was mighty big of them since in 2008 they were able to raise $750 million after backtracking on the claim that they would only accept the public funding. I truly have no problem with this, but, Obots hear me loud and clear, the President has said it is ok for corporations to put money into political campaigns. This is the last I want to hear of it.

Gay-Marriage reversal -The California Supreme court this week reversed a law, voted by the residents of California banning same-sex marriage. The opens the doors for gays to marry in California. Seriously, does anybody really care? Why is this topic still news? I have no problems with gays marrying. However, the issue I have, gay marriage aside, is the legislating from the bench. This ruling is another example of the invalidity of elections. The residents of California voted and that should have been it. Ballot questions should go through the Constitutional ringer BEFORE they are put on the ballot.

Gisele - Ok, am I the only one who thinks Gisele is being treated unfairly after she ran her mouth after the Super Bowl? First off, she wasn't saying it to reporters. Some schmuck with a camera phone happen to catch Gisele during an exchange with an obnoxious fan. Whatever happened to stand by your man? What was she expected to say? I do believe someone in Gisele's stature and fame should know better to run her mouth in tense situations because someone is always watching.

Eggs - Making breakfast the other day the Brown eggs commercial popped in my head. So, if Brown Eggs are local eggs, where do white eggs come from? They have to be local to someone, right? Just saying.

Catholics and Contraception - so know some Catholics Democrats are retreating on some of Obamacare because it forces Catholic institutions to cover their employees for abortions, which is against the Catholic belief. I hate to say I told you so, but this law was voted on almost three years ago. It is just proof that nobody read this damn thing before voting on it. I believe more situations like this will emerge. Like full dental coverage for residents of Alabama, there is just no need for it.


Coming Right Atcha

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