Friday, June 29, 2012

My Wife is a Baseball Widow

"This marriage is subject to temporary interruption during baseball season"

That is a sign that I used to have hanging in my office before we moved into our house over the winter.  I came across it the other day in the garage and the sign could not be more accurate during this time of year for me and my wife.

Fifteen years ago I responded to an ad in the paper to attend an umpire course at Shrewsbury High School.  I had stopped coaching baseball the year before because, to be quite honest, I couldn't deal with the helicopter parents of my teams, I would go out of my mind now.  I love the game of baseball and I still wanted to be involved.  So I decided to become an umpire.

The course was, and still is, six weeks long.  I thought I was really up to snuff with the rules of the game but boy was I wrong.  Did you know that there is no rule that says "tie goes to the runner"?  Did you know that there is no definition of what determines a swing?  Did you know there is a "fourth out" in some instances?  And batting out of order is not as cut and dry as it seems.  There is definitely brain overload when learning all the rules but in the end you are a true student of the game.

I first got into umpiring and figured I would do it for a couple of years and do it to earn money for my greens fees when I played golf.  But during my first year I made more than enough and I was doing low level Babe Ruth games.  One of the senior members of the board, one of my mentors, and friend told me to keep at and I would be a top tier umpire one day.  It was nice to hear but not something I thought of.  The more I umpired, the better I got and noticed that I was getting more games and better games, and I saw how much money I could really make.

I started dating my wife in 2004, and we got married in 2007.  When we were planning our honeymoon I told her not to cut ourselves short and that my umpiring money would pay for our honeymoon.  She didn't believe me.  Not only did my umpiring pay for a two week Italian honeymoon, there was extra left over.  It is definitely the best part time job I have ever had.

However, as my family grows it gets harder and harder to take games.  I am currently scheduled 78 games this year, and there is a State and Regional tournament that I have not received my assignments for yet.  The past three years I have averaged roughly 85 games, doing strictly high school and college level games.  I'd like to think I get the games because I am considered a good umpire, and to be honest I am nowhere near where I want to be as an umpire.  But will I get there? 

It will be tough as it becomes harder and harder to leave my girls every night to go do a game and some instances miss days with them on the weekend.  The worst part is when I leave for a game and my oldest daughter says AWWWWWW!!!! and it breaks my heart.  My wife has not laid down any ultimatums on this but I could not argue if she did.  But at some point something has to give and to be honest I am not as young as I used to be and my body doesn't respond as quickly.

I just want to thank my wife for understanding not taking away one of the true things I love to do.  She is leaving the decision on my schedule to me and that is admirable.  She has every right to scream and yell at me, but she doesn't.  She has every reason to put her foot down and she doesn't.  I have the next two days off from umpiring and I will spend it baptizing my daughter and spending time with my family.  

This weekend they will need to play ball without me.

Coming Right Atcha

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