Monday, November 7, 2011

Everyone Should Honor This Day

Today is a day that should get much more recognition and exposure than it does. Today is Veteran's Day, a day to honor the brave men and women who have served and currently serve in our country's armed forces. If it were not for the troops that fought in 1775, the United States would not exist. If it were not for the troops in World War II, the United States would not have emerged as the leader of the free world. People can attribute to these victories to George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman. They just gave the go ahead, they did not fight the wars.

The United States Army, Navy and Marines were created as a direct result of the American Revolution and haven't looked back for 236 years. The Marines celebrated their 236 birthday yesterday. In between the signing of the Declaration of Independence and today this country has had its ups and downs, but the one constant that has remained is that our country has had the best military in the world. Even so much that they are called upon to help in all the world’s problems. The military for the most part has been a volunteer military, only forcing service in time of war. That is what makes the United States military so great. The soldiers do this on their own accord and they put their lives on the line to protect the liberties that all of us take for granted. So today, I ask you to thank a friend of yours that serves or has served in the military. If you see a soldier walking about, stop and thank them as well. They deserve your respect and your gratitude. Here are some people I would like to thank.

Timothy MacCartney Sr. - United States Army
Timothy MacCartney Jr. - United States Army
Cary MacCartney - United States Army
Craig Tomanini - United States Army
Jill Murray Wildt - United States Marine Corp.
Sam Wildt - United States Navy
Don Mason - United States Army
Eric Catalanotti - United States Army
Robert Catalanotti - United States Army
Justin LaMonda - United States Marine Corp.
Denny Brigley - United States Army
John Finneron - United States Army - P.O.W. World War II
David Layman - United States Navy
Dan Thibodeau - United States Marine Corp.
Kim-Cameron King - United States Marine Corp.
Mary McCue - United States Marine Corp.
Rusty Williamson - United States Navy
Nick Fortunato - United States Navy
Paul Dell'ovo - United States Air Force
Paul Vigneault - United States Navy

If I got anyone's branch of service wrong I apologize. Please drop me a line to correct. If I forgot anybody, it wasn't intentional. Thanks again for your service and Happy Veteran's Day.
Coming Right Atcha

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