10. - Occupy (Insert City). I have no real opinion about these groups. They are exercising their 1st Amendment rights and like Sarah Palin, they will hopefully just go away. Until they begin to Occupy the correct city, Washington D.C. their protests are fruitless. Once they get a unified message, they will be taken seriously. For Example, in the Occupy Boston protest I saw a man holding a sign saying "Bring My Brothers Home, Stop the Greed". If they were in Washington that would make sense to me, in Downtown Boston, not so much.
9. - President Obama's troop withdrawal in Iraq. I totally understand both sides of the fence on this. It is time to start bring the troops home. However, if the President is using it to fulfill a campaign promise, then he is totally off base. And for God sake if you are going to take the credit for the withdrawal, don't pass off the criticism. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on "Meet the Press" responded to host David Gregory's question of concerns over Iran invading Iraq once the U.S. troops are gone. "Well, we are just following the timeline set forth by President Bush". So does President Bush get the credit for the withdrawal? Probably not.
8. - Winter Storm in October. WTF???
7. - College Football Conference shuffling. All of these teams are maneuvering into large conferences so they are able to be in a conference with an automatic BCS birth. I have a better idea. Come up with a playoff system and Boise State won't have to play in the Big East. The conferences are no longer geographical and must do wonders on these "student"-athletes "studies". They will be traveling three days a week for road games. It is time to declare DEATH TO THE BCS!!!
6. –Teachers Union Endorsements. Last week the Worcester's Teachers Union endorsed only four candidates running for the school committee. Ironically enough the four candidates endorsed were those that have been critical of Superintendent Melinda Boone. The Union claims that it is just a coincidence. That should make for a great work environment when Ms. Boone's contract is renewed. This is why unions need to stay out of politics. Because if your political agenda is not met, nothing will get done to protect our schools.
5. –Mass. Compared to U.S.A. Is anybody in Massachusetts surprised by the turn of events in the country? Let’s do a recap of some national stories that compare with Massachusetts stories. Solyndra: Evergreen Solar took tax payers money and declared bankruptcy, laying off hundreds of workers long before it was cool to do so. Healthcare Reform: We have had this in Mass for 5 years, my premiums keep going up. That will all change under Obamacare. If you support Obamacare and are offended by that comment, please don't blame Mitt Romney. The blame game is getting old (see point 9). Un-employment: Although the state's average is below the national average look at the companies that have left recently, Fidelity, HP and BNY Mellon, and they just got here. The comparison is so eerie that President Obama even copied one of Gov. Patrick's speeches during his 2008 presidential campaign.
4. - Kardashian and Humphries Divorce. This is really not newsworthy, nor does anyone really care. My guess is the lockout made Kim realize that she couldn't get to Jay-Z this season. Plus, even I didn't know who Kris Humphries was until he married Kim.
3. –Olver retirement. Congressman John Olver retiring from congress citing "family issues". Right! If you don't believe he was forced out by the goons in Washington to save their boy Jimmy Mac then I have some Solyndra stock I want to sell you.
2. –Social Security cash negative. The Washington Post reported that Social Security has gone "cash negative". Tell me something that everyone, other than the Obots and Baby Boomers didn't already know was going to happen. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
1. –Power Outages. People being without power for days. How can these companies not get their act together? This is why their needs to be a free market for utilities in the area. If people threatened to leave their respected companies when stuff like that happens, their response time will be quicker. How can you claim you weren't prepared? Your job is to be prepared. Turn on the weather channel for god sake.
Until next time
Coming Right Atcha
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