Monday, October 15, 2012

A Long Overdue Rambling

For those of you reading my blog for the first time on this article is a piece I call 3D's Ramblings.  It's my quick take of some recent news stories.  It's fun and thought provoking.  You may not agree with some of my points of view, and that's ok.  I have it done it in a while so I will get rambling on now.

All I want is a Cannoli - an Irish man in Boston on vacation was arrested in the North End on Sept. 12 for holding up a North End bakery at knife point, for a cannoli.  Now, I don't know how versed this man is in Boston's landscape or history, but the North End is not a place to cause trouble.  The residents there always have each other’s back, dating back to the 18th Century.

Things that make you go hmmmm, - A Manchester NH, was arrested twice in one day.  He was arrested in the morning of August 23 for criminal trespassing and receiving stolen property.  Thirty minutes after posting bail he was arrested again for passing a forged check at a bank.  Andy Dufresne was right, he needs to find a better line of work, because being a criminal is definitely not in his best interests.  You just can't fix stupid.

1st Presidential Debate - It is very clear that Mitt Romney outperformed the President in this debate.  I am quite certain that the President will be better when the two hookup again tomorrow night in New York.  However, the backlash that has come out is staggering.  The media and the Obama campaign screaming that Romney lied.  This was a debate, if you thought he lied, speak up.  If you don't say anything you validate his points.  Blame it on altitude, blame it on the moderator, blame on whatever.  The President wasn't ready and it showed, you should expect more out of your leader.  Just saying.

Voter ID - I am a big proponent of Voter ID.  During elections in Worcester I no longer offer to give people rides to the polls that can't get there.  I just tell them I will happily go to the polls on their behalf and vote for them.  Nobody sees anything wrong with that?  It's an easy fix, but you can't fix a process that can easily be corrupted by the beneficiaries.

Annie Dookhan - WOW!  Many people asleep at the wheel on this one.  This will cost millions and this mess won't be cleared for years.  WOW!

Libya -  What happened in Benghazi on September 11 was very tragic.  What has happened since then has been appalling.  The fact that the truth has been deflected by the administration is problematic.  This was a colossal mistake and should be admitted as such.  Requests were ignored for more security and our relationship in the Middle East was miscalculated.  But the fact that the Stephanie Cutter and Debbie Wasserman Schulz are claiming that this is only an issue because of the Romney/Ryan camp is insulting.  It's issue because 4 Americans were killed when they could possibly have been protected.  As Harry Truman said "The Buck Stops Here".  Not in this administration.  It stops somewhere else

Vote for Obama and you're fired? - The media reported last week that a business owner in Florida wrote a letter to his employees that if they voted for Obama they would be fired.  Well of course that was reported incorrectly.  If you read the letter you will see that he never threatened anybody's job.  He simply stated that given proposal and plans presented by the President if he were to be re-elected, he would have to rethink his situation as a business owner.  He simply said he would close up shop and retire, because he would rather do that than pay extensive taxes that would make it hard for him to stay open.  Just something to think about.

VP Debate - If you watched the Vice Presidential Debate it was easy for either side to say that they won.  It was a good debate.  Personally I would have called it a push.  Behind all the laughing, smiling, rude interrupting, and condescending tone that Vice President Biden had, there wasn't much substance in what he said and the fact that he stated that nobody knew that the embassy in Benghazi wanted more security the same day the State Department said that they did ask and were denied just shows how much is being deflected here.  But overall it was a tie, Rep. Ryan was good but not great and should buy a suit that fits.

Things that make you go hmmmm #2 - Last week a Boston man was arrested in Los Angeles because he was stopped at customs for carrying an arsenal of weapons with him, coming from Japan.  What detected the authorities to him? He was wearing a bullet proof vest and flame retardant pants.  If that doesn't scream attention, I don't know what does.  His defense was that in Japan that was the style they were wearing.  I don't even have a joke hear.  People are just crazy.  I am glad they caught this guy. What a cynical world we live in.

Legend passes - College Football fans lost a great man this week in the passing of Beano Cook.  Known for his crazy analysis of football Cook had one of the great advice giving quotes of all time.  "You only have to be 100% on two things in life, flying and heart transplants.  The rest you can go 4 of 5 in".

5 Years and counting - This weekend my wife and I celebrated 5 years of wedding bliss.  I love her just as much today as I did 5 years ago, if not more.  Plus, my mother always said to me if I ever found someone to put up with my "stuff" to not let go.  I have two things working for me in that regard.  Happy Anniversary.

3D signing out!
If you don't take it from me, ask my wife.

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